health, migraine, wellbeing

Migraine with aura: vision loss is scary but is nothing to be afraid of. Even Serena Williams suffers through professional tennis with migraine.

I didn't see it coming. Excuse the pun (it wasn't even intentional). Usually in the days leading up to me getting a migraine I can tell it's coming. The tell tale signs for me are yawning a lot, peeing a lot, probably moody, very irritable, no patience and no appetite. I haven't had much appetite… Continue reading Migraine with aura: vision loss is scary but is nothing to be afraid of. Even Serena Williams suffers through professional tennis with migraine.

Beauty, Skin Care

Stop brittle finger nails. Help your nails grow strong and shiny with magnesium powder. Can magnesium improve the condition of your finger nails?

As a chronic migraine sufferer of 15 years and no hope on the horizon of them easing up I'm at the point where I am looking for reliable alternatives to prescribed medication. The migraine trust has information on the use of supplements so recently I purchased magnesium oxide in tablet and powder form. I started… Continue reading Stop brittle finger nails. Help your nails grow strong and shiny with magnesium powder. Can magnesium improve the condition of your finger nails?